Our Sustainability policy
As the primary DMC and Event company in Iceland, Discover Truenorth is dedicated to produce positive financial impacts in the local economy, whilst simultaneously contributing to positive environmental and social impacts with good governance and prosperity at the forefront. Through this policy, Discover Truenorth aims to set a precedent for the Icelandic travel and event industry in setting a commitment to sustainability.
This policy provides an overview of Discover Truenorth’s material and industry specific environmental, social, governance, and prosperity (ESG) matters.
Discover Truenorth is a member of Festa, the Centre for Sustainability in Iceland, and a signatory to the UN Global Impact and its principles. In addition, Discover Truenorth will implement the green production guide developed by industry leaders in the travel and event industry.
Discover Truenorth’s Board of Directors is responsible for supporting and approving this policy. The Managing Director is responsible for the integration and progress of the measures outlined in this Policy.
Discover Truenorth understands the environmental impacts associated with travel and events, even in remote locations such as Iceland. Thus, Discover Truenorth has identified the most material environmental impacts that Discover Truenorth can have, including operational climate change, value and supply chain impacts, and waste management.
Discover Truenorth’s commitments:
— Climate Change: The threat posed by climate change has pushed Discover Truenorth to consider GHG impacts across the firm’s operations, such as from Discover Truenorth’s vehicles, employees’, clients’ and contractors’ commute to and from travel and event sites, flights, waste, purchases, on-site generators, and special effects.
— Discover Truenorth will implement a GHG management system and iteratively develop a decarbonization action plan and set targets to decrease GHG emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. These goals may include the use of green fuels for road and generator engines and a target to achieve carbon-neutrality by 2030.
— Discover Truenorth will additionally work to minimize any land change impacts associated with travel and event operations.
— Circular economy and green value chain: As most of Discover Truenorth’s emissions derive from Scope 3 emissions (i.e. indirect emissions), Discover Truenorth will focus on its value and supply chain.
— To address Discover Truenorth’s upstream supply chain impacts, the company will work to ensure that purchased materials are sustainably sourced or made of recycled content by implementing green procurement procedures.
— For the company’s downstream and waste management impacts, Discover Truenorth will work to ensure that materials used for set-building and event locations and supporting goods and services (such as catering or temporary housing) are reduced, reused, or recycled.
Discover Truenorth’s value to society lies in providing the highest quality service to people in a socially responsible manner. To achieve this, Discover Truenorth has identified diversity, well-being, and quality of life, inside and outside of its operations, as well as fair supply chains, and responsible content/ storytelling as the most material social matters for the company.
Discover Truenorth’s commitments:
— Diversity and non-discrimination:
— Within operations, Discover Truenorth will work to ensure discrimination does not exist in any form according to race, gender, nationality, religion, and beliefs, and supports gender equality through an equal pay plan.
— Health and well-being of employees: As Discover Truenorth’s employees often work for longer periods of time at travel and event sites, work-life balance is a critical issue for the company. Thus, the company aims to ensure mental and physical well-being of employees and to minimise displacement issues.
— Fair Supply Chains: Travel and event services involve the use of contractors to outsource individual activities and services such as transport and catering which can make supply chains complex. Discover Truenorth, therefore, wants to ensure that their services are fair and conducted responsibly by actively engaging in conversation with its main suppliers and contractors to ensure alignment with the goals of this policy.
— Human capital: The travel and event industry is exposed to key man risk as the industry needs extraordinarily creative talent. Therefore, Discover Truenorth will provide its employees with opportunities for professional and personal development.
Discover Truenorth believes that good leadership and governance is key to sustainable and successful business. Discover Truenorth has identified business ethics, sustainability governance, and cyber-security as the most material aspects for the company’s good governance.
Discover Truenorth’s commitments:
— Business ethics: Discover Truenorth is committed to ensuring that its employees and business partners operate according to the U.N. Global Compact principles on anti-corruption, human rights protection, and anti-discrimination. All employees are required to sign the ethical guidelines.
— Sustainability governance: Discover Truenorth operates in accordance with Icelandic Law and Corporate Governance Guidelines. Moreover, the Board of Directors will regularly review Discover Truenorth’s management of matters addressed in this Policy. A governance system will be established for how ESG issues will be managed.
— Cyber-security: Cyber security is a vital part of any business in the modern day, and Discover Truenorth considers the protection of customer and private data to be paramount. Therefore, the company will actively work to protect its networks, products, and costumer data by training employees on data security and ensuring that systems are up to date.
Discover Truenorth wants to continue to have a positive impact on the local economy. Discover Truenorths aims to continuously invest in entertainment for people to contribute to better living standards through increased revenues and by enhancing innovation for the travel and event industry, creating meaningful jobs, providing personal development opportunities for Discover Truenorth’s employees, and promoting sustainable practices throughout the economy.
Discover Truenorth acknowledges that creating a sustainable future is a global undertaking. With the U.N.’s guidance, Discover Truenorth has identified and prioritized one of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDG was chosen based on materiality, Discover Truenorth’s business model, and Discover Truenorth’s ability to enhance positive social impacts.
— SDG 4 Quality education: Discover Truenorth will work towards educating its suppliers and contractors to promote sustainable practices in their business operations by engaging in active conversations with stakeholders and educating its employees on sustainability matters to support sustainability across its entire value and supply chain.
— Target 4.7 – By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and Managing Director of Discover Truenorth and published on Discover Truenorth’s website together with an annual sustainability report.